2016 was a really productive year, so…


I had two big projects: the Robe de Cour and the Trinquesse Polonaise.

But aside from those I also made:

an unbeloved riding habit

a Swallowtail jacket with a red petticoat

an Anglaise out of hand-printed cotton

an Anglaise out of blue linen:


A 1730-1750s casaque out of green moire silk:


a “matching” stomacher with rows of ribbon bows (échelle)


a pinner apron


a pinner cap

a cap out yellow silk and lace

a Lampas silk cap

An attempt at a copy of the 1780s hat in the Chertsey Museum


cotton knit stockings

an embroidered silk muff

Embroidered garters

Restored a parasol

blue silk mittens

a child’s stays and shift (Academically probably the most interesting project since the Robe de Cour.)

and finally, my last, totally obvious (and still unfinished) project of the year:

a new riding habit


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